My Lovey&Daddys Little Girl

1978 December - 2007 June

Created by Alice June 17 years ago
Lovey,if i were here i would say to you my precious daughter,you gave me so much joy and love in my days of life.You were so much like me in your stubborn little ways an achiever at a very young age and very driven.Remember the days you filled my life with so much happiness from the day you came into this world you became daddys precious little girl,and remember i helped you come into this world.If i could could come back and tell you how much i love you and how proud i have been of you .I would come down from Heaven and say Lovey my baby girl you are still daddys little girl even until the end of time.You gave me joy&laughter,you gave me a smile that was heart warming and your smile melted my heart.My daugher please do not weep for me iam always by your side,remember all the wonderful years we shared and your dances and the day you graduated and the days at your base ball games and remember just how loud i used to be and yelled and screamed thats my Lovey! Iam sorry i didnt make it to your wedding,but i saw the photos of my beautiful little girl all grwon up and you were the most beautiful bride.And now Loey always remamber to know Daddy is never far away and he loves you with all his heart and one day we will see each other in Paridise.Love Always Your Daddy